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, Proof sketch of irrationality of ? 2 in Isabelle/HOL, p.33

, Listing 2 Specification of a clock watch in TESL?, p.36

, Listing 3 Specification of a radiotherapy machine in TESL?, p.41

, Listing 4 Specification of a power window in TESL?, p.43

, Listing 5 Specification of an airplane takeoff in TESL, p.58

. , Listing 6 Specification of concurrent computations for two CPUs in TESL, vol.87

. , Definition (Timed Automaton [AD94a])

. .. , Definition (Grammar of the untyped ?-calculus), p.23

. .. , Definition (Reductions of the untyped ?-calculus), p.23

. .. , Definition (Equivalence in the untyped ?-calculus), p.23

. , Definition (Typing Rules of ? ? )

. .. , Definition (Grammar of ML-style), p.27

. .. , Definition (Type schemes in ML-style), p.27

. , Definition (Deduction System)

. , Definition (Rules of Natural Deduction)

. .. , Definition (Projections for Ticks and Tags), p.37

. , Grammar of TESL?)

. .. , Definition (Interpretation of TESL? formulae), vol.46

. , Definition (Tag Variables)

. , Definition (Introduction Rule ? i )

. , Grammar of TESL )

. .. , Definition (Interpretation of TESL formulae), p.61

. .. , Definition (Extended Run Primitives for TESL ), p.62

. .. , Extended Elimination Rules ? e for TESL ), vol.63

. , Grammar of TESL)

. .. , Extended Elimination Rules ? e for TESL), p.70

. .. , Definition (Stepwise Interpretation of TESL formulae), p.76

. .. , Definition (Interpretation of Configurations), p.79

. .. , Theorem (Fixpoint in a CPO (Tarski, Kleene)), p.22

. .. , Theorem (Confluence of ?-calculus (Church, Rosser)), p.23

. Lemma-(associativity, . Commutativity, . Idempotence, and ). .. Neutrality,

;. .. Lemma, Decidability of Run Contexts), p.48

. Lemma,

. Lemma-(stepwise-associativity, . Commutativity, . Idempotence, and ). .. Neutrality,

. Lemma, Start Configuration)

. Lemma, Sound Reduction)

). .. Theorem-;-soundness,

. Lemma, Complete Direct Successors)

). .. Theorem-;-completeness,

. Lemma, Instant Index Increase)

). .. Theorem-;-progress,